Sunday, May 1, 2011

How to Stop Smoking

Quitting smoking is no easy task, but the health benefits are great.

eWizeSmoker Electronic Cigarettes are a great choice to use in your smoking cessation program. eWize Smoker e-cigs help you quit smoking by replacing cigarettes that have nicotine with electronic cigarettes that have harmless water vapor. No smell, no second hand smoke, and no more health risks for you from smoking cigarettes. You can smoke eWize Smoker Electronic Cigarettes anywhere with no restrictions and no worry about the health risks and no second hand smoke.

Studies have shown that you start to get immediate health benefits when you quit smoking in as quickly as 20 minutes!

That's right, in as quickly as 20 minutes you start to feel the health benefits: your heart rate starts to decrease back to normal.

2 hours after your last cigarette, your blood pressure starts to return to normal and your peripheral circulation may start to improve.

12 hours after you quit, the carbon monoxide that smoking cigarettes put in your body starts to disappear.

24 hours after you stop smoking, your risk for heart attack starts to drop.

See for more details on the quit smoking time line and to see more benefits when you quit smoking.